"The target does not lie on the summit, but in the valley where the ascent began..." (C.G. Jung)
Synchronicity – the balancing act between understanding your target group and your business success – is our goal.
And this requires translation: whether you want to transfer your business problems into targeted research projects or, conversely, existing customer feedback into relevant business solutions – with our tools we support you no matter where you stand.
Of course, every consulting case is individual. However, over the years we have developed a few tools that we use successfully over and over again – in the context of GIM research projects or independently of them.
Before research is done...
Before any research takes place, we offer the following solutions, among others:
- Consumer Research Lab: Never done research before, but want to become customer centric? That's exactly what you can achieve with a workshop on how to use and handle consumer research more professionally!
- Market Fitness Check: According to the motto "before the game is after the game" we find out along the GIM SPICE Insight Cycle where you should link your product development more successfully to the market.
- Positioning Lab: As a brand manufacturer, it is important to recognise trends at an early stage and evaluate them in terms of "so what?". Together with GIM foresight, we position your brand on trends and develop a set of target group-oriented and testable narratives for your campaign.
- And many more ...
After the research...
You have customer feedback, but how to proceed? We'll take the next step together with the following building blocks:
- Concept Writing Workshops: The insights are willing, but the concept is weak? We work with you to develop testable concepts from initial insights and establish concept writing skills along the way.
- Insight Conversion Workshops: 100 sprints and still not at the goal? We help to formulate briefings from customer feedback (internal as well as external) that let you reach your goal faster without "translation errors".
- Persona Shaping Initiatives: The target groups are calculated, but the (empirically valid) picture is missing? In one day we develop a common understanding of target groups (aka personas) among all stakeholders, so that they can "live on" in the company.
- And many more...